UltraGlow: Improved Alpha support for UltraGlow. UltraZap: UltraZap now supports Zaps along Mocha Splines in a mode called UltraZapMocha. Sapphire Effect Designer: New tool inside Builder for getting stylized looks with S_ColorFuseLooks.

Featuring over 270 filters and thousands of cross-platform presets, Sapphire for Photoshop brings the power of post production’s most loved filters to new artists, letting them create effects unachievable with native filters, and enabling a more streamlined workflow through the different design stages of production and between various teams and software. Photoshop Support: Sapphire 2022 adds new host compatibility to its lineup with support for Adobe Photoshop, available with any new or upgrade license.

It does best on Sapphire Sparks 2019.5, but will make a best effort to convert nodes as far back as Sapphire Sparks 11. This can be run on individual nodes, batch setups, or sapphire effects on the timeline.

(OFX Only)Flame: In conjunction with Flame 2022, there is now a context menu option called “Convert Sapphire Sparks -> Sapphire OFX”. (OFX Only) Linux required driver: 450.102.04.